In a calendar view, the appointment display is defined by the following details:
Your availability displayed during the appointment duration: Reserved, Free
Your appointment confirmation status: Accepted, Tentative, Declined
Visibility of the appointment in shared calendars for users who are no participants: Standard, Private, Secret
If there is enough space, icons for the following appointments are displayed in the Day, Workweek and Week calendar view: serial appointment, appointment with participants, private appointment, secret appointment, tentative appointment
The display is distinguished by the colors, icons and different shadings.
Depending on the displayed availability, public appointments are displayed in the following colors and patterns:
Free: Selected color with broad diagonal stripes
Booked: Selected color
If you do not select a color, the color of the calendar is used. Depending on the appointment confirmation status, public appointments are displayed as follows:
Accepted appointments are displayed in the color and pattern of the availability.
Tentatively accepted appointments are displayed with question marks.
Declined appointments are displayed in light gray with crossed subject.
Tip: In the calendar settings, you can define whether declined appointments are displayed.
Note: In public or shared calendars you will only see the colors of appointments that have been created by you.
Private and secret appointments are displayed as follows:
Private appointments are displayed in gray and are marked with the
icon .Users that are no participants can only view the appointment date in shared calendars.
Secret appointments are displayed in gray and are marked with the
icon .Users that are no participants can not view the appointment in shared calendars. Secret appointments are not considered for the conflict handling. Secret appointments are not displayed in the scheduling view.
Also see:
Parent topic: Viewing Appointments