
8.8. Searching for Tasks

In order to search for tasks, you can use the following search criteria:

How to search for tasks:

  1. Click on the Search input field. Additional icons are displayed.

  2. Enter a search term in the input field. The search menu opens.

    The search menu

    Define the data sources to be searched by clicking on an entry in the search menu.

    • If clicking on the search term or pressing enter, the following data sources are searched: subject, description

    • In order to only search in the subject, click on in subject in the search menu.

      Accordingly, you can limit the search to the description or the attachment's name.

    • In order to search for appointments with a specific participant, click on a name in the search menu.

    The search results are displayed in the list that is shown in the display area.

  3. To select a folder for the search, click the Options iconin the input field. The folder that is searched, is displayed in the Folder drop-down. To select another folder, open the drop-down.

    If you select All folders, all private, public, and shared folders are searched.

  4. You have the following options to limit the search to specific tasks:

    • To limit the search to tasks with a specific editing status, click the Options icon in the input field. Open the Task status drop-down. Select a status.

    • To limit the search to single or recurring tasks, click the Options icon in the input field. Open the Task type drop-down. Select a type.

    • To limit the search to private, public or shared tasks, click the Options icon in the input field. Open the Folder type drop-down. Select a type.

  5. To refine the search result, enter further search terms: To remove a search term, click the Remove iconnext to the search term.

  6. In order to finish the search, click the Close icon in the input field.

Parent topic: Managing Tasks