To be able to read an encrypted E-Mail, the Guard security password is required.
How to read an encrypted E-Mail:
Select an E-Mail with the Encrypted icon . In the detail view, the notification Secure E-Mail, enter your Guard security password. is displayed.
Note: If, when having used guard the last time, you set that Guard should remember the security password, the E-Mail will be displayed immediately.
Enter the Guard security password.
You can define how long the security password should be remembered by Guard. To do so, enable Keep me logged into . Select a time range from the list.
In the Guard security settings, you can define a default value for the time range.
Click on
. The content is shown in plain text.If the E-Mail includes attachments, functions for using the attachments' decrypted or encrypted versions are displayed.
Also see:
Parent topic: Encrypting E-Mail Conversations